2/28/2025 Crossroads Released!
Atalia: Crossroads, the first full-length Atalia novel by Fell Skyhawk, has been released! You can buy it here from Amazon. We hope you enjoy reading this next chapter in the Atalia Galaxy.
Be on the lookout for the next printed release, Atalia: The Omega Army I. It may release late this year until mid-next year. We will try to keep you posted on that as well.
10/11/2023 Very Delayed Update
So back in the beginning of 2022 I posted an update about Atalia: Crossroads, which has since been finished in releasing to Kindle Vella. I accidentally put that it was 2023... and I said,
"well people can figure out that it isn't that date yet, I'll fix it the next time I posted. I noticed the day 2/13/23 came along that the future was here. Now, roughly eight months later,
I finally have fixed the date. I have been posting updates on my Patreon page and Instagram and have neglected this site, I am sorry. There's so much work that needs to go into the site,
I have found myself neglecting it. So, here is the state of the galaxy: Atalia: Knights- The Invasion of Avalon was released, Crossroads was finished. My first finished (handwritten) novel
is now being released in the Kindle Vella format. Currently working on editing Brandon Kamin's short story, Forgiveness, for the next Stories of a Galaxy book, Atalia: The Omega Army, getting Crossroads edited
properly and formatted into a physical book, and updating Campfire database, this site, and the eventually the wiki site. Stay tuned for more information. Best methods of information are Instagram @FellSkyhawk or
becoming a Patreon of Fell Skyhawk. Thank you.
2/13/2022 Atalia: Crossroads and other news
Author Fell Skyhawk announced on Instagram that he would be releasing a story called Atalia: Crossfire today, but as the day is coming to a close Amazon is having technical difficulties publishing it which they say will take
roughly five days to fix. For now the first part of Atalia: Crossfire is available on Campfire. Which this takes us to other news. We apparently neglected to mention
on our site here that we now have an official database on Campfire, see link above. This includes all free stories released so far on our site, info on various characters, and much more. It is in progress and there is a lot
of Atalia information to log into this media. However, quite a bit is already on there, including the first part of Atalia: Crossroads. It will be released episodically bi-weekly, hopefully on Amazon Kindle Vella, and the first three parts on Campfire. This is subject to change depending on what happens with Kindle Vella.
12/10/2021 Hard Cover Release Day!
The Hard Cover edition of the Atalia 2020 Anthology is out now. It is available here on Amazon. Pick up your copy today. It includes lots of cool bonus content, from a galactic map to a bonus story, River's End. Here's to another decade of stories in the Atalia Galaxy.
12/09/2021 New eBook
Gearing up for the release of the Atalia Anthology Hard Cover tomorrow we've released on Kindle Atalia: Akira. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas!
4/24/2021 New eBook
Atalia: River's End is now available on Amazon Kindle. You can buy it here.
The 2020 Complete Anthology released on Christmas is about to get the paperback eddtion. 1/31/21, Sunday, we will be releasing the paperback book with a launch party on facebook. Link to event. See you at the party!
12/25/2020 Merry Christmas and new release
Merry Christmas! Out now is the eBook edition of the 2020 complete anthology, celebrating 10 years of Atalia! Thank you everyone who has made this possible, and we will keep you apprised of the release of the paperback and hardcover.
12/2/2020 New eBook on Kindle
"Atalia: Fall of York" is now available for sale on Amazon Kindle. Check it out right here.
11/23/2020 New Free eBook!
We have yet another free eBook released, available in our downloads page. Atalia: Lost Letters- Soul Mate is the sequel to the last free eBook release.
9/11/2020 New Free eBook!
We have another free eBook released, available in our downloads page. Atalia: Lost Letters- Exodus. It is dedicated to the father (John Harte) of our recent eddition to our editing team (Julia Harte) and absolutely loved the story. He's had it rougher than some this year, and this is a rough year. So this heartwarming story is dedicated to you, John.
5/11/2020 New eBook for sale!
New eBook available on Kindle! "Atalia: Young Heart" with bonus story "Atalia: Legacy- Equals". Head there now and pick up your copy for $5.
4/27/2020 Another Free eBook
We have another free eBook from the Into the Depth's book that is still in production. You can find it on our downloads page. You can download and read it today!
2/12/2020 Another Free eBook
As of 12/21/19 we have another free eBook that we forgot to post on our website, this one released on our facebook page here.
3/4/19 New Free eBook
Well do to unexpected reasons we did not release Invasion of Avalon last year. However this year we are releasing "Young Heart- Motivations" for free! Go to our downloads page to download now.
New eBook Coming Soon
"The swirls of SSF opened up to a breathtaking view of stars and a relatively nearby nebula. To their starboard was the planet Avalon Prime. The planet appeared to be a rainbow-colored marble with its crystal-blue sees, teal plains, amethyst mountains, golden valleys, and pink-tinted clouds." - Atalia: Invasion of Avalon. Coming this year in eBook form.
New Site
The Atalia Galaxy website, the official website of the Atalia sci-fi series, has been redone by TrueVine Media Solutions in cooperation with Lightning Design. Some features are still in the process of being finished, and will be fully up before this week’s end. In addition to our streamlined look, the short form of the website address, ataliagalaxy.net, will now take you to this site.